Friday, March 11, 2011

Who relates to Jersey Shore characters??

I'll start off by admitting, yes I am one of the millions who watch Jersey Shore on MTV every Thursday night at 10pm. Tonight while watching, almost every commercial break there was a commercial with one of the Jersey Shore characters in it. My roommates and I found these commercials to be very funny, for multiple reasons. First, here are three Jersey Shore character commercials:


When watching all three of these videos, to me it doesn't make any sense why they are the ones trying sell these products. Do consumers really feel that connected with Jersey Shore that they will start buying all products that Jersey Shore characters use? To me, I see these commercials as jokes. I see them as a good way to catch the attention of viewers and to keep them intrigued to watch the whole commercial. But what about the viewers who have no idea who Snooki, Ronny or Vinny is?

How is reality TV shows affecting our lives today? These commercials are a great way to prove that people these days watch TOO much TV. When watching these shows, we form a sense of connection or bond. I think products are doing a good job at understanding how to catch the attention of viewers. And not going to lie, all three of these commercials catch my attention because I'm a Jersey Shore fan. But if I didn't know who these characters were, I would care less about the product they were selling.

What are some commercials that you have been drawn to pay attention to because you felt connected with the character selling the product?? Or on the other hand, any commercials you were totally confused watching because you had no idea who was selling the product?



  1. I agree that using a Jersey Shore character as a spokesperson is humorous. Yet I think that the one with Ronnie is actually a decent idea from Xenadrine because 1) meatheads who watch Jersey Shore are going to identify with Ronnie, and if someone they identify with is selling a product like hydroxycut they might choose a popular product that they know works but choose the one Ronnie uses. 2) Ronnie is yoked, so even if you don't know who he is, he is still a good spokesperson for people who don't watch the show because people will point to his physique as evidence the product works.

  2. I agree with Zach. I do not watch Jersey Shore and I have to admit that I'm just a bit familiar with the characters. I would probably pay attention to the first one but not because of the spokesperson but because of the campaign itself. They have used several characters and keep repeating the ad. That goes back to the concept of frequency. How many times do you need to repeat an ad until the consumer gets the message. With the second ad I probably would say that the character fits well to deliver the message just as Zach said. Even though I didn't know Ronnie the message came across. The third ad was kinda funny but I had no clue who the guy was. I think in this case you need to be a Jersey Shore fan to pay attention.

  3. Zach, I agree with you as well about the commerical with Ronnie and how him being "yoked" could help Xendadrine sell their product with evidence of Ronnie's body. Thank you for your comment! And Professor, that you for yours as well. Even though you don't watch the show, most people know the characters too just because they've become to popular it's hard not to be familiar. It's true about how you can run an ad a million times and all it takes is the right person presenting the product and people will begin to more attention. Thank you both for your comments.
