As Facebook marketing is growing at an increasing rate, TV commercials are beginning to draw viewers by pertaining content to Facebook or other social networking sites? We have recently looked into the Burger King example in class, which triggered my attention to this topic. Burger King ran a campaign that stated, “Delete 10 Friends on Facebook for a Free Whopper”, trying to prove that “Friendship is strong, but the Whopper is stronger”. This Whopper Sacrifice opened a whole different aspect of marketing. Contests and promotions were seen more frequently on Facebook and other social networking sites. By using this form of marketing, you’re able to launch products, receive feedback, draw in new users, and have conversation with target audience. Facebook offers endless marketing opportunities. This video shows a quick glimpse of what Burger King did through their ‘Whopper Sacrifice’ campaign on Facebook:
Now other products are using this same marketing strategy. Marketers are beginning to understand how important Facebook and social networking is to consumers. Targeting your product to Facebook users will help increase consumers. With over 500 million active users, Facebook is a great place for marketing products and convincing consumers to not only buy in to what your product has to offer, but maybe even just try a product for the first time. This is an example of an iPhone commercial:
Through this commercial, they are trying to reach out to consumers who use Facebook daily and convincing them to buy the iPhone because it allows them to access Facebook anytime they want. Not a bad idea, giving the statistic that there are 500 million active users. This commercial pertains to 500 million people watching this commercial.
These examples are just two of many ways marketing is becoming based around social networking, as social networking has become the center of some lives. Not only is this form of marketing smart, drawing attention to Facebook pages is a much cheaper form of marketing as well. You’re able to target a certain audience, balance a budget, and add or drop ads at anytime. Social media marketing is a great way to listen and respond to how customers are reacting.
"Friendship is strong, but the Whopper is stronger" is one of the saddest, truest, and most interesting campaigns I've ever seen. Great use of social media.
Zach, did you or would you participate if this campaign was still going on? I agree that this was a great use of social media! Thanks for your comment!
Haha if it were a secret that you dropped them for the Whopper then ya I would've, but the fact that BK had fbook send them a notification that they got dropped for essentially 1/10th of a that's cold. I'm not on that level.